Sitemap - 2022 - Pop Culture Bible Stories

The 'born' supremacy: The draft and the reality of sex

The parable of Kyrie Irving

Beware 'false Christs,' who proclaim their own goodness

'Put on the full armor of God,' for the silly season of politics has arrived

'Whoever is not against us is for us': The Bush Doctrine was Jesus, in reverse

'Anyone who is afraid should go home': Cowardice is contagious. Will you stop the spread?

'He is the living God': When King Darius ordered a prayer lockdown, Daniel didn't comply

All due respect: How God made a believer of King Nebuchadnezzar

The Abraham-Isaac sacrifice is a story is about God, not man

Playing God is the sin of our time

Why David knew he could beat Goliath

Why weren't we made to be sinless?

Haman's Holocaust, and the gallows we build for others

The serpent in Genesis 3 was the first appearance of Satan

Somewhere between heresy and ‘who cares?’

Too Blessed To Fail: When Cyrus defeated Babylon, both Marduk and Yahweh took credit

Yes, Sodom and Gomorrah is a tale of sexual immorality

A trespass in the temple: The tragedy of King Uzziah

'Have you not read?' By the time Israel rediscovered Deuteronomy, it was too late

Israel's exile was mental, long before it was physical

The devil you know: Why Israel thought it was better off in Egypt

Why did God let Adam and Eve fall?

Turn not right or left: A red wave won't save America

Carrots, sticks, and covenant

'You didn't build that': What Obama missed when he copied Moses

Don't forget, son, there is someone up above

Can Elon Musk topple Twitter’s Tower of Babel?

Sarah was no model of obedience in marriage

Tamar was ‘her own personal Jesus,’ and avoided a fiery death

Let he who has never broken Sabbath cast the first stone

Cain and Abel: 'Brotherly Love' is an achievement, not the default

First, God cursed the serpent. Then, he killed with it. Now it’s a symbol of health.

Cultural appropriation: Why wolves wear sheep’s clothing

Will Smith's slap was an act of pride. Not protection, and not love

‘Each according to his ability’: The Parable of the Talents is the Patriot Way

When Jesus faced questions, he cited Scripture

Hank Moody buried his talents, and almost died for his sins

One is the loneliest number: Men and women need each other, and that’s OK

Weak men make hard times: The tragedy of Adam and Aaron

‘False reports’: What the Bible says about fake news

The many parallels between Eden and Exodus

It’s the notes you don’t play: Chick-Fil-A, the Sabbath and the duty of rest

‘But for an apple’: The worst way to read the story of The Fall

Sunday School: Johnny Drama, Joseph, Exodus, and the dangers of the family deal

Brian Flores, the Cave of Machpelah, and access vs ownership

Egypt faced a famine. It was given a Great Reset and sold into serfdom.

Sunday School: Sister-Sister — What would you do for a mandrake?

Sunday School: Hagar, Abram, the marital hall pass and the origin of the Tim Gunn Save

Sunday School: God ran the first ‘just say no’ campaign. When it failed, he hired security.